Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Like Maybury, on Acid

so this morning i took a ride. i wanted to see the town of Fairfax, and also return to Ross, where i had been directed to a dressmaking shop the year that Matt got married. Her designs were the impetus for my infamous wedding dress experience.
i missed Ross on the way there, it is so small. I did find it on the way back, and it is cute, but small. And the dressmaker is no longer there!
But Fairfax was a great find! It is a total hippy town, complete with the nauseating smell of pachouille, my less favorite scent in the world! But what a cool town. They refer to themselves as "Maybury on acid", and i can believe it. i couldnt' get a picture that would do it justice, besides, i didn't want to bother anyone. (I didn't even want to be seen talking on my cell phone!) It had stores with names like "Rainbow Fabrics", "Spirit of the Goddess" and "Culture Shock." All kinds of tie-dyed apparel, peace insignia, etc. The store clerks were all friendly and really laid back.

Rest of day was routine, i exercised, tried to find a path to walk. went to jazzercize, and then did a take out menu from a really good local restaurant, Boca. i ordered empanadas and a wedge of lettuce with roq. dressing. It's an Argentinian restaurant. i came home to eat it, although i had a glass of wine while waiting. i wanted to see what it was like to be in a restaurant alone at night. it was fine, i actually enjoyed it.
came back here to eat though. i realized i am having my "Leap" experience during the "Leap Year"! ("Leap" is the name of a book by Sara Davidson about women in their 60's changing the course of their lives.)

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