Friday, February 29, 2008

A Stairway to Father Guido Sarducci's Heaven plus 325 steps

Dan is here today, so great to see him. i took him on my favorite road, the Lucas Valley Rd., as in George Lucas, through the little town of Nicosia, through the wonderful Redwood forest, to the very hippy town of Bolinas. Many, many dogs, many bearded, long haired men, many somewhat unwashed men and women. Well, i shouldn't say "many", it's a very little town. It has a beach, and a stairway to nowhere, but since Father Guido Sarducci allegedly resides there, i made that the title. (I do mean the actor who played him on Saturday Night Live, for those who may not get the reference)
We then drove to Mill Valley, where we were starving, but found a pathway on Cascade Drive, a road so narrow that only one car can pass at a time. We walked up this beautiful path, up into a Redwood forest, with a stream running through it. it was so beautiful, peaceful, and quiet.
Then went into town for a fabulous, greasy hamburger and sweet potato fries. Walked it off at the beginning of the "Dipsea" steps, which are 3 staircases. i counted the number, on the way down, and there were 324 steps.
After a rest, Dan especially napped, we went into San Francisco to meet Jay and Lindsey at Albono's, an "Istrian" restaurant. The host, Bruno, is from the Istrian penisula, and the food reflects this area. The area is near Trieste, and has Italian influences as well as Croatian and Yugoslavian. We had been there for a previous trip, and really enjoyed it. It is so good to see them often, i know i will really miss the contact when i go home.

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